First United Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande

Judy's Journey November 2008

As I sit here on Thanksgiving evening, I am reminded how many folks are providing prayer support for our missionaries around the world and I am one of those. If it weren't for your support we would not be able to be in our mission settings.

If your congregation is in covenant with a missionary, let me say thank you from me and the others you are supporting. If your congregation is currently not supporting one of our United Methodist Missionaries, I would encourage you to read the enclosed information. If you would like more information about whom you might support, I would be more than happy to help you discover that information. I have also enclosed a form that is my personal covenant form if you should choose to support me. The one on the brochure is a generic form which can be used for any United Methodist Missionary.

Currently, I am the South Central Jurisdiction Mission Interpreter in Residence. I would be glad to help you in mission interpretation if there is some way that I can be helpful. If you want to contact me and have email, please feel free to contact me that way and if you would like to be on my email newsletter list let me know that too. You are an important link to those of us who are in the mission field around the world. It is always go good to have cards, notes, emails of support from others who are concerned about the transformation of the world for Christ.

I pray for you in your own mission setting and apologize for taking so long to respond to your birthday greetings or notes of other kinds. Know that we are in ministry together.

Grace and Peace,
Judy Atwood
South Central Jurisdiction Mission Interpreter in Residence
1514 Jarvis
Manhattan, KS 66502
(785) 539-5422 or 785-341-5910 (cell)

Thank you for being in covenant with me as a United Methodist Missionary. You help facilitate my ability to continue to journey with you and other missionaries as we share the story of the transformation of the world for Christ. Judy
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Judy Atwood and Phoebe