The United Methodist Church...
... was first established in Arroyo Grande,
California, in 1884 as pioneer families
came looking for land. Our heritage and
challenge is to carry on as those before us,
advancing the Kingdom of God in Arroyo
Grande. The people of the United Methodist
Church believe in God and each other.
If you're searching for something to believe
in, our hearts, our minds and our doors are
always open.
Video: 2024 Charge Conference reflects on the Church's Mission Statement
A Worshiping Church
In a very real way, we find out who we are
and what life is all about through worship.
When we worship God, then doing what
God wants is the goal of life. It is what life
is for and what life is all about.
Come worship with us at 8:30am and
10:30am Sundays.
A Praising Church
Our worship services are filled with contemporary and traditional music. We are inspired in worship by our Chancel Choir, Grande Ringers handbell choir and The Lord's Crew praise band. It is a joy to proclaim the glory of God in song and music.
A Friendly Church
We recognize that we cannot be Christians in isolation. As people of God we promise to uphold the church with our prayers, presence, gifts and service. We warmly welcome newcomers as we experience God's love through all of God's people.
A Teaching Church
Study groups for all ages enable us to learn and grow in the Word of the Lord. For United Methodists, the Bible is the record of God's people living out God's promise.
Pastor: Rev. Mary Birgelaitis
Lay Leader: Carolyn Anderson
Children's Education Director: Carolyn Russel
Children's Center Director: Maddy Quaglino (805-481-2223)
Acolyte Coordinator: Lori Ford
Interim Choir Director: Tricia Stewart
Praise Team Leader: Mike Clark
Bell Choir Director: Leonard Lutz
Pianist: Dennis Eiler
Organist: Brad Bettencourt
Worship Video Editor: Susan Throndson
Office Administrator: Blanca Placencia
Treasurer: Joel Anderson
Bookkeeper: Kelli Stein
Webmaster: Jamie Foster (email)
History of this Church
A history of this church is here.
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