The First United Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande Celebrates 125 Years of Ministry
Rock founded, Christ centered, Faith sustained

Cheap Street Methodist Church in Sherborne, England.

The choir did a little impromptu singing in John Wesley's "New Room" Chapel near the Wesley home in Bristol.
Pictured at the very top of this page is our concert at Christ Church in Oxford.
Amen (Jester Hairston's)
Ave Verum / Jesu, Word of God Incarnate
Come, Holy Spirit, Like the Wind
Deep River
Deep, Deep Love
Down to the Water to Pray
Fly Away Medley
Get On Board, Little Children
Give Me Jesus
Go Now In Peace
God's Great Love
Hear Me, Redeemer
Prayer of the Children
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Ride the Chariot
For lots of pictures from the entire trip, click here.