The First United Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande Celebrates 125 Years of Ministry
Rock founded, Christ centered, Faith sustained

Folding the new cross brochure (PDF, 317kb).

August 16, 2009
Everyone was invited to share their special crosses with the church family today!
See "Crosses of the Church".
Natural piece of stone.
From the Sunday School.
The Youth Group's Cross. Tetel Estai: "It Is Finished". The cross is made of pictures of all of the youth - making up the "Body of Christ".
Today's sermon: “Taking Up Your Cross” by Pastor J. Harold Headrick.
Some Resources:
The Cross Symbol
The Old Rugged Cross
The Cross in Tradition, History and Art
Christian Crosses (variations)
The Non-Christian Cross (downloadable book)
An 8-panel brochure (front/back on legal-size paper) titled "Crosses of the Church" is available at the church and online here (PDF, 317kb).