Getting ready is often half the fun!

Arroyo Grande United Methodist Children's Center

September 6, 2009
Rally Sunday, usually the first Sunday of September, is a day for all the ministries of the church to make known their good works and do a little recruiting.
Future handbell ringer...
The United Methodist Women (UMW) were serving lunch today as a fundraiser.
Our birthday girl with Pastor David.
You're invited!...
United Methodist Men's (UMM) Sweetheart Breakfast on Valentine's Day.
Everett Lee Taylor Scholarship Fund.
Val fills out one of the information sheets for "Remembering Lay Persons of the Past".
The Youth Group is collecting bottled water to hand out at the Harvest Festival. They're counting on you to drop off a case or five of waters in Criswell Hall soon.
Note the four umbrella colors... We organize most of our program activities under four Umbrellas: Red, Green, Yellow, and Blue.
The Red Umbrella is worship and music.
The Green Umbrella is Christian education.
The Yellow Umbrella is missions.
And the Blue Umbrella is member care.