June 14, 2009
The Youth
Jed Moore
David Anderson
Jordan Henderson
Alonzo Ferrari-Chapman
Anna Prestemon
Caitlin Herber
Maddi Ravalin
Devin Paredes
Adrian Paredes
Danica Leonard
Amanda Trecartin
Jennifer Trecartin
Willy Ford
Doug Ballagh
David Burgeson
ELT Scholarship Recognition
Nancy Gerrish
Graduate Recognition
Mike and Linda Herber
Special Thanks
Linda Leonard and Joyce Anderson, Uniforms and Clothing
Hilary Henderson, Drama
Jordan Henderson, Multi-Media Coordinator
To the Congregation
The Youth would like to thank the entire congregation for their generous support throughout the past year with prayers, hugs, kind words and encouragement as well as your financial support. We couldn't have done it without all of you!
Here's the bulletin (PDF, 917kb).
Thanks to Val McClure and Gary Hughes for the photographs on this page.