Cluster Choir Festival
May 3, 2009
All the choirs of all the Methodist churches in the regional cluster (Lompoc to Paso Robles) are invited to participate in the Cluster Choir Festival which takes place each year on the first Sunday of May. Hosting this event rotates among the churches large enough to accommodate the event, and this year was our turn. Choirs began arriving very early in the afternoon to rehearse their solo piece, and the host church provides lunch throughout this time. The last rehearsal was for the combined choir, all 125+ voices, singing the two mass pieces. The public concert was at 4:00pm.

The Arroyo Grande church is celebrating its 125th Anniversary this year!

Santa Maria First UMC

Trinity UMC Chancel Choir (Los Osos)

St. Andrew United Methodist (Santa Maria)

First UMC of Arroyo Grande Chancel Choir. During the offering, they premiered their organist's, Don McGuire's, 125th Anniversary March and Song.

San Luis Obispo UMC Chancel Choir

Atascadero UMC Choir

First UMC of Lompoc Chancel Choir

Combined Choirs