Archived Children's Center Events
In reverse chronological order (most recent first)Christmas Program and Social
December 12, 2019
Program Starts at 6:30 P.M. in the First United Methodist Church Sanctuary. Children who are performing are to be in their classroom by 6:15 PM. Social 7:00 –7:30 PM in Criswell Hall. Family and friends are invited to attend the
celebration. Flyer.
See's Candy Holiday Fundraiser
Now - December 3, 2019
Help AGUMCC raise money for the Staff Education and Training Fund. Don’t stand in the long lines at the See’s Candy Store place your order with AGUMCC before December 3rd. Orders will be ready for pick up Friday December 13, 2019.
Order Form.
Pennies for Turkeys
Now - November 27, 2019
It is time to save your spare change. Did you know that $1 equals $10 at the Food Bank. AGUMCC is collecting spare change the month of November. Money collected will be used to purchase turkeys for families in need in our community.
Pony Pictures
October 16-17, 2019
Toddlers: 9:00 am —9:20 am
Preschoolers: 9:20 am — 9:40 am
Pre K: 9:40 am—10:00 am
Individual & Class Pictures Available
No Obligation To Purchase
Children's Center Fall Tri Tip BBQ
October 11, 2019
From 11:30am to 1:30pm, or 4:40pm to 6:30pm.
Cost: Presale Tickets $12; at the door $15.
Meal includes a BBQ tri tip sandwich, chips, fruit, dessert.
The proceeds raised will be used to purchase early childhood educational materials and supplies for the class
rooms: paint, paper, glue, puzzles and other items.
See Maddy Quaglino, AGUMCC Director, between worship services from 9:30am-10:30am to get your Tri Tip BBQ ticket or to help at the event. Flyer
Back to School Night Orientation
August 8, 2019
Thursday, August 8, 2019 from 6:30pm – 7:30pm. Adult Only Event. Flier.
June 24-28, 2019
Summer break, the school is closed.
Welcome Week
June 17-21, 2019
New students, call to schedule you and your child's visits to your new classrooms before starting school on July 1, 2019. Flyer.
June 13, 2019
6:30pm. Children are to arrive by 6:15pm in their classroom to prepare for the evening. Flyer.
Year-End Potluck
June 13, 2019
Noon. This day is also a minimum day. Please sign out your child then come to the celebration. Flyer.
4th Annual Golf Tournament
May 18, 2019
Shotgun start and scramble format. Monarch Dunes Challenge Course, 1606 Trilogy Parkway, Nipomo, CA 93444. Check-in 9am. Starts at 9:30am. Includes: Golf Carts, Golf Challenges, 12-hole Par 3, Prizes, Silent Auction, and BBQ Chicken Lunch. Flier. Early-bird pricing through March, registration deadline is May 1st. Registration/Sponsorship.
AGUMCC Staff Appreciation Luncheon
May 9, 2019
1-2pm. Lets celebrate our wonderful staff by providing them lunch. There will be a sign-up sheet on the Sign In/Out table to help make this a special event. Contact Ms. Maddy if you have any questions. National Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6-10, 2019. You can also celebrate your child’s teacher in you own special way during this week. Flier.
Community Helper: Dr. Lauriente D.D.S.
March 12 and 19, 2019
Dental Screening. If your child does not regularly attend on this day you are welcome to join us with your child for this special visit. Schedule Time: Toddler Room @ 9:00 am, Preschool Room @ 9:45 am, Pre K Room @ 10:30 am.
Family Fun Night, Pizza, and Rain Gutter Regatta
March 8, 2019
6:30 PM - 8:00 in Criswell Hall. DINNER is 6:30 – 7:00 PM. Includes: Pizza, Salad, Dessert, and a Beverage. Pre-sold Dinner Tickets: Adults $8.00 and Children $5. At the door Dinner Tickets $10.00. RACES start at 7:00 PM. Boats cost $5.00 each. Only AGUMCC Boats allowed without modifications can race. All ages can race. Build your boat at home and race at the event. Proceeds will help the AGUMCC's Teachers attended the California Association for the Education of Young Children's Conference in Santa Clara, April 11–13, 2019. Flier.
First Five Preschool Vision Screening
March 7, 2019
Offered by Dr. Martin with Envision Optometry . Please return form to your child's teacher for his/her FREE screening. You are welcome to come with your child if he/she does not regularly attend on this special day to have his/her eyes checked.
Siblings are invited to come also. Schedule visits:
Toddlers at 9:30 am
Preschools at 10:15 am
Pre K 11:00 am
Christmas Program and Social
December 13, 2018
Family and friends are invited to attend the celebration. Program Starts at 6:30 P.M. in the First United Methodist Church Sanctuary. Children who are performing are to be in their classroom by 6:15 PM. Social 7:00 –7:30 PM in Criswell Hall. Please sign up to bring a treat to share. The "Sign Up Sheet" to bring treats will be on the Sign In/Out table.

See’s Candy Winter Fundraiser
Orders due Dec 5, 2018
It's time for AGUMCC Annual See's Candy Winter Fundraiser. All orders and money are due by Tuesday, December 4th. Candy will be ready for pick up by Thursday, December 13th. Flier/Form.
AGUMCC "Giving" Celebration
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Noon to 1:00pm in Criswell Hall. Family and Friends are invited to come and have lunch with us on this special day of "Giving". There is no need to pack a lunch for your child on the day of the celebration. If your child does not regularly attend on the day of the event you are welcome to come with your child and share in this special event.
In the spirit of the event, we are asking each family who wants to attend to sign up to "Give" to the celebration. There are many items and some volunteers needed to make this day complete. The Sign Up sheets for the celebration will be located on the sign in and out table. The Giving Soup will be prepared on the morning of our celebration. Volunteers are needed to help set up and prepare for the day. We look forward to sharing in this Giving Celebration with the family and friends of AGUMCC. This is a minimum day, school closes at noon. Please sign out your child before coming to the celebration in Criswell Hall.
Pennies for Turkeys
Now till Nov 21, 2018
We have been hosting this community service project since 2005. Our year to date collection is $2,563.86. It's time to collect your pennies and spare change to help others in need in our community. There are collection canisters on the Sign In/Out Table and in each classroom. Our goal this year is to raise $200. Did you know that for every $1 you give, it has a value of $10 at the Food Pantry? 100% of your contribution will be given to the Five Cities Christian Women's Food Pantry at our annual Giving Celebration on Wed. Nov. 21, 2018. Flier.
Fall Tri Tip BBQ
Friday, Oct 12, 2018
Serving Times: 11:30am–1:30pm, 4:00—6:00pm
Prizes! Silent Auction! Pumpkin Sale!! Lula Roe Mobil Boutique-Trina Robbins!! All proceeds provide early childhood educational materials and supplies for the children. BBQ Tickets: Presale $12. At the door: $15. Meal includes: Tri Tip Sandwich with Fruit, Chips, and Dessert. Corndog Kid’s Meals are available. Kid Meal: Presale: $5. At the Door $8.
Back to School Night/Family Orientation
August 9, 2018, 6:30pm-7:30pm
This will be for adult family members only. The evening will begin in Criswell Hall, at 6:30pm, where you'll get a brief overview of the program and how you play a vital part in helping us continue to provide a quality program. Then, at 7:00pm, you will go to your child's classroom to learn more about what you can expect from your child's school experience in the coming year. This is a good time to connect with your child's teacher, ask questions, and orient yourself to your child's classroom.
Week of Welcome
June 18-22, 2018
Thank you for choosing AGUMCC for your child care needs. We look forward to getting to know your family and see you during the "Week of Welcome" before starting our program. Week of Welcome is a time for both you and your child to come and stay for about 90 minutes to learn about the program and the routines of the day. Details
Promotion Program 2018
June 14, 2018
Thursday, June 14, 2018, 6:30pm. Place: First United Methodist Church. This is an ALL school event. Children must arrive by 6:15pm, in their classrooms. Show your school spirit and wear your AGUMCC T-shirt. A reception will follow the ceremony in Criswell Hall. Please sign up to bring refreshments. The Sign Up Sheet is on the Sign in/Out Table. Flyer
End-of-the-Year Pizza and Pajama Party
June 14, 2018
Thursday, June 14, 2018, 12pm Noon. Let your teacher know if you and your child will be attending by Wednesday June 13. Minimum Day Schedule. Remember to "Sign Out" your Child/Children. Flyer
2018 Golf Tournament
Saturday, June 9, 2018, 9am Check-In. Join a Golf Tournament at the Trilogy Monarch Dunes Challenge Golf Course on Saturday, June 9, 2018 to support Arroyo Grande United Methodist Children’s Center (AGUMCC). Our goal is to raise $10,000 to improve and enhance early childhood education and environments. There are many ways to participate in this fundraising event: Sponsorships, Advertising, Golfing, Silent Auction, or Lunch.
Details, Registration, Sponsorships
Christmas Break 2017
School will be closed from December 25, 2017 through January 1, 2018.
Christmas Program
Thursday, December 14th, 6:30pm in the Sanctuary. Children are to arrive by 6:15pm in their classroom to prepare for the evening. Also sign up to bring a refreshment to share at the social following the program.
See’s Candy Holiday Fundraiser
All orders and money are due by Friday, December 1st. Candy will be ready for pick up by Friday, December 15th. Flier and Forms.
Giving Celebration
Wednesday, November 22nd at Noon. Flier.
Penny's for Turkeys
Annual fundraiser for the Five Cities Christian Women's Food Pantry. Collection cannisters will be at the Giving Celebration on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Or take home a piggy bank today and return November 19th. Flier.
10th Annual Family Fun Day
October 14, 2017
11am-1:30pm. COME JOIN US! Games, Face Painng, Bounce Houses, Veggie Stand, Pumpkin Patch, Tri-Tip BBQ, Trike-a-Thon and more. Special Guest: Smoke Bear with Cal Fire of San Luis Obispo County Fire SLO Ambulance Service Demo. Photos.
80th Harvest Festival Parade
September 23, 2017
8:30am check-in. Arrive no later than 9am. Thank you for showing your school spirit and wearing your AGUMCC T-shirt in the 80th Harvest Parade. Also, bring a hat, water, and possible snacks. Last year it was a bit hot. Enter from Brisco St. then drive south on West Branch Street. There is a dirt parking area off of Old Ranch Rd for you to leave your car, then walk south on the dirt path next to the West Branch Road towards Bank of America. Bring something for your child to ride; a trike, scooter, a wagon, or a stroller. Flier.
Week of Welcome
June 19-23, 2017. See the Flyer for complete details.
End-of-the-Year Picnic
Thursday, June 15, 2017, 12pm Noon. Place: AGUMCC Courtyard. Instead of packing a lunch for your child, bring an item to the Pot Luck Picnic to share. And bring something to sit on. Minimum Day Schedule. Remember to "Sign Out" your Child/Children. Flyer.
Acknowledgement and Promotion Program
Thursday, June 15, 2017, 6:30pm. Place: First United Methodist Church. This is an ALL school event. Children must arrive by 6:15pm, in their classrooms. Show your school spirit and wear your AGUMCC T-shirt. A reception will follow the ceremony in Criswell Hall. Please sign up to bring refreshments. The Sign Up Sheet is on the Sign in/Out Table. Flyer.
School Closed
Friday, June 15, 2017. Staff development.
2017 Golf Tournament
Saturday, June 10, 2017, 9am Check-In. Join a Golf Tournament at the Trilogy Monarch Dunes Challenge Golf Course on Saturday, June 10, 2017 to support Arroyo Grande United Methodist Children’s Center (AGUMCC). Our goal is to raise $3,000 to improve our outdoor playground. Show your support by participating at this fun event. Individual golf registration is $65, which includes a round of golf at the challenge course, a golf cart, and a buffet lunch at the Monarch Grill. Registration deadline is May 20, 2017. You can also share your business and be a sponsor of the event! Flier - Details/Registration - Sponsorships. Thank yous and photos..

Children’s Center Sunday Art Show & Silent Auction
April 30, 2017
Want a keepsake from your child’s art experience at AGUMCC? Get your bidding number from Ms. Maddy in the office. Place a bid on the bidding sheet in your child’s classroom. Track your number on the bidding sheet to watch how it’s stands during the Silent Auction process. Details...
Positive Discipline Course
Tuesday evenings 6-8pm, March 7 through April 11, 2017. Feel more confident as a parent, caregiver, or teacher. Raise a child that is responsible, respectful, and resourceful. Learn practical methods for resolving challenging behaviors. "I really appreciated how the instructors showed how to implement the strategies with the kids and what to say." Registration deadline is February 24, 2017. Flier/Form.
Pizza and Rain Gutter Regatta Races
Friday, February 24, 2017. The evening will start at 6:30PM, with dinner, and the races will beginning around 7:00 PM. This event will help the staff raise funds needed to attend the "California Association for the Education of Young Children" (CAEYC) conference in Pasadena. Flyer. Entry Form.
Parents Night Out
January 28, 2017. This is a community event. Enjoy an evening to get errands done or have a date night while your child spends a fun evening with the AGUMCC Staff. Deadline to register is Friday, Jan. 20, 2017. Flier and Registration Form.
See Candy Winter Fundraiser
Order deadline is December 2nd
Help the AGUMCC Staff go to conference in March 2017. Check out the See's Candy Winter Fundraiser Order Form. Dead Line to order is Friday, December 2nd. Candy will be available for pick up by Friday, December 16th. Order Form.

Pennies for Turkeys
Last Collection Day is November 23rd
AGUMCC Community Service Project 2016. It's time to collect your pennies and spare change to help the needy families in our community.
Did you know that for every $1 you give it has a value of $10 at the Food Pantry? Place your spare change in this collection canister in your child's classroom by Wed., Nov. 23. 100% of your contribution will be given to the Five Cities Christian Women's Food Pantry. Our goal this year is to raise $200. Thank you for your support.
9th Annual Family Fun Day
Saturday, October 8, 2016, 11am-1:30pm
COME JOIN US! Games, Face Painng, Bounce Houses, Pumpkin Patch, Tri-Tip BBQ, Games, Trike-a-Thon and more! Special Guest: FREE Car Seat Safety Check by the San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department. Flier and Sponsorship Form. Thank Yous and Photos.
79th Harvest Festival Parade
Saturday, September 24, 2016, 8:30am Check-In
Arrive nolater than 9am. Thank you for showing your school spirit and wearing your AGUMCC T-shirt in the 79th Harvest Parade. Also, bring a hat, water, and possible snacks. Last year it was a bit hot. Enter from Brisco St. then drive south on West Branch Street. There is a dirt parking area off of Old Ranch Rd for you to leave your car, then walk south on the dirt path next to the West Branch Road towards Bank of America. Bring something for your child to ride; a trike, scooter, a wagon, or a stroller. Flier.
School Closed - Summer Break
June 27 – July 1, 2016.
Week of Welcome
June 20 – 24, 2016.
Details (PDF)
Promotion and Acknowledgement Program
Thurs. June 16, 2016 at 6:30 PM.
End of the Year Picnic
Thurs. June 16, 2016 at 12 noon.
2016 Golf Tournament
Saturday, June 11, 2016, 9am Check-In
Join a Golf Tournament at the Trilogy Monarch Dunes Challenge Golf Course on Saturday, June 11, 2016 to support Arroyo Grande United Methodist Children’s Center (AGUMCC). Our goal is to raise $3,000 to improve our outdoor playground. Show your support by participating at this fun event. Individual golf registration is $55,
which includes a round of golf at the challenge course, a golf cart, and a buffet lunch at the Monarch Grill. Registation deadline is Wednesday May 25, 2016. You can also sponsor the event! Flier, Details/Registration, Sponsorships.
Children’s Center Sunday
Sunday April 24, 2016, 9:30 am -12:30 pm.
Registration to start our next session
(Which starts July 5, 2016)
"Waiting List Registration" is April 15. Families on our Waiting List.
"Open Registration" is May 2 Families not on our Waiting List.
It is always good to plan ahead when looking for a quality program. We pride ourselves on having an educated staff that
have a love for and commitment to young children. We work hard on creating an environment that stands for quality,
by following the standards set by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
We provide a low child-to-teacher ratios; 4:1 for toddlers and 6:1 for preschool and Pre K.
Children’s Center Open House
Thursday, April 14 at 6:30 PM. This is a community event, Invite your families and friends. This is a time for the staff to share the importance of play, exploration, and learning, that
occurs each day at our center. In addition, you will have an opportunity to see the many learning activities and areas of interest both in and outside the classroom.
Positive Discipline Course
Tuesday evenings 6-8pm, March 1 through April 5, 2016. Feel more confident as a parent, caregiver, or teacher. Raise a child that is responsible, respectful, and resourceful. Learn practical methods for resolving challenging behaviors. "I really appreciated how the instructors showed how to implement the strategies with the kids and what to say." Registration deadline is February 26, 2016. Flier/Form.
Pizza and Rain Gutter Regatta Races
Friday, February 26, 2016. The evening will start at 6:30PM, with dinner, and the races will beginning around 7:00 PM. This event will help the staff raise funds needed to attend the "California Association for the Education of Young Children" (CAEYC) conference in Pasadena. Flyer. Photos...
Parents Night Out
January 23, 2016. This is a community event. Enjoy an evening to get errands done or have a date night while your child spends a fun evening with the AGUMCC Staff. Deadline to register is Friday, Jan. 15, 2016. Flier/Form.
Family Fun Day

Saturday, October 3, 2015. The Arroyo Grande United Methodist Children's Center is hosting their 8th Annual Family Fun Day on Oct 3 from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm. The event will have bounce houses, face painting, games, a pumpkin patch and music. A tri tip lunch will be cooked the Arroyo Grande Valley Kiwanis. Pre-sold lunch tickets are $ 8 at the event lunch tickets are $10. The County of SLO Health Dept. will offer a FREE Car Seat Safety Check Up. Special Guests: Pictures with Princess Anna, Story Time with Smokey Bear and CAL FIRE of SLO County, The Woods Humane Society will have a canine ambassador, AG Police, and Music Motive. Proceeds from the event will be used to purchase needed supplies and materials for the children's classroom. See photos and thank yous.
78th Harvest Festival Parade
Saturday, September 26, 2015. This year we get to ride on a hay covered trailer. Space is limited. You can also pull your child in a wagon, or you can walk with your child as he/she rides his/her tricycle with their helmet. Parents, you must accompany your child in the parade. If you would like to participate in this community event, please sign up. The Sign Up Sheet is located on In/Out table. Parade Staging area is on West Branch St. Staging Time is 9:00 am. To show your school spirit, wear our AGUMCC T-shirt. If you need an AGUMCC T-shirt, see Ms. Maddy.
Summer Break
June 29 - July 3, 2015
The school will be closed this week.
Children's Center Welcome Week
June 22-26, 2015
This week is to prepare children for the next session that starts July 6, 2015. See the Flier for details about the week's schedule.
AGUMCC Promotion and Acknowledgement Program
June 18, 2015, 6:30pm
This evening is to Promote the children to their next level in our program and acknowledge those who will be moving on to Kindergarten. We will also celebrate the many wonderful volunteers that have helped us this past year. Reception and refreshments follow the program. Photos.
AGUMCC End-of-the-Year Picnic
June 18, 2015, Noon
Instead of packing a lunch for your child, bring an item to the Pot Luck Picnic to share. What to bring?: a dish to share and something to sit on. In the courtyard. Minimum day schedule. Remember to sign-out your child and then join everyone. School is CLOSED June 19th for staff development.
Children's Center Sunday
Sunday April 26, 2015
9:30am to 12:30pm
Come to the church service to hear your child sing at the Children's Moment - "Rain or Pours". After the Children's Moment the children may attend Sunday School or return to the pews to sit with his/her family for the rest of the service. Come Join us for fun before and after church service in Criswell Hall. The children's center will be hosting a Social. There will be ice cream, homemade treats, children's art work and a Silent Art Auction. Flier
Children's Center Open House
April 9, 20156:30pm
It is a time for the teachers to share the importance of play, exploration, and learning that occurs each day at our center. It is a time for children to share their daily routine, learning activities, and the different areas of interest in their classroom. Please check with your teacher for more information regarding details for this special event. Flier
Positive Discipline
Tuesdays, 6-8pm, March 3 thru April 7, 2015"Positive Discipline" Book Study. Tuesday evenings 6-8pm, March 3 through April 7, 2015. Feel more confident as a parent, caregiver, or teacher. Raise a child that is responsible, respectful, and resourceful. Learn practical methods for resolving challenging behaviors. "I really appreciated how the instructors showed how to implement the strategies with the kids and what to say." Registration deadline is February 27, 2015. Details and Registration Form
For current listings, click here.