United Women in Faith seeks to connect and
nurture women through Christian spiritual
formation, leadership development, creative
fellowship, and education so that they can inspire,
inuence and impact local and global communities.
On March 21, 2025 the UMW Book Club will meet at
10:30 A.M. in the church library to discuss The First
Ladies by Marie Benedict. This intriguing story
follows the unlikely friendship of two strong leaders
in the civil rights movement—First Lady Eleanor
Roosevelt and black activist, Mary McLeod Bethune.
Although they came from dierent social
backgrounds, they shared a passion for ghting for
justice and equity. Their strong friendship enabled
them to endure special challenges in their personal
lives as well.
This month, readers will need to check out a library
book or purchase a new or used copy of the book. If
you are interested in joining the group, we encourage
you to do so.
The First Ladies by Marie Benedict
---submitted by Judy Leonard
Tuesday, February 18, we had a memorial service to
honor and remember one of our devoted members,
Betty Stephens. Thank you to all those that helped with
the food and preparations. And prayers and sympathy to
her beautiful family.
A new circle, is forming especially for working women
and those looking for an early evening circle. If you are
interested, contact Susan Throndson or leave your name
with Gerry McGuire or Mary Hawkins. Be one of the
founding members.
On Superbowl Chili Sunday February 9, we cleared $323,
after our expenses, for our charities.
Coming up in March we will celebrate UWF Sunday. Stay
tuned for more information.
Looking ahead to May 10, the annual tea will be held. A
fashion show is in the planning. This is one of our most
well attended events, mark your calendar now.
Circles and groups: All women are invited to attend.
Mary, Martha Esther Circle meets on the last Wednesday
of the month. We are studying a book on Mosses.
Joy Circle meets the third Tuesday of the month, 3-5 pm
in members’ homes. Check with Kerren Brown for more
Sew And Sews meet every Tuesday in the McMillen Room
at 10 until 1, bring a sandwich if you want to stay for
lunch. We encourage those interested in quilting,
crocheting, knitting and just plain visiting and sharing.
Book Club will meet 3rd Friday, in the library, at 10:30.
Contact Judy Leonard for a book if interested
-submitted by Gerry McGuire, UWF President
Do you have neat handwriting?
Finance team needs someone with good penmanship to write notes to donors to thank and acknowledge special gis to our church.
Work can be done enrely at home and does not require aendance at any meengs. The church has note cards. If you are interest-
ed, please contact Joel Anderson or Rev. Mary.