United Women in Faith seeks to connect and
nurture women through Christian spiritual
formation, leadership development, creative
fellowship, and education so that they can inspire,
inuence and impact local and global communities.
The UWF Book Club will discuss an unusual book, The
Midnight Library, by Ma Haig, on Friday, February
14th at 10:30 AM in the church library. The main
premise is that a midnight library exists lled with
books that give people a chance to try out a dierent
life than they have chosen. In the science con
account of a Midnight Library beyond the edge of the
universe, books reveal the story of another possible
life as well as the one you have led.
What kind of life could you have led if you
had made dierent choices? Would your
life be beer? In the book, Nora Seed
explores the Midnight Library selecons to
try to decide what is meaningful in life.
Join us in discussing this thought provoking
book on February 14th. See Mary Whitson if you
would like to borrow one from a library book kit.
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
---submitted by Judy Leonard
A new circle is forming especially for working women and
those looking for an early evening circle. If you are
interested, contact Susan Throndson or leave your name
with the oce, or Gerry McGuire or Mary Hawkins. Be
one of the founding members!
UWF had a very successful Pizza and Bingo in January,
doubling the number of people anticipated. What fun we
had and with quick action we managed to get enough
pizza for everyone! As a fund raiser, we raised a lot of
money for our charities.
Superbowl chili is soon going to be here again. Sunday,
February 9 is the day! You get enough chili, cornbread
and cookies to serve 2 people, all for $20. You may
choose between turkey, or beef, with or without beans,
or vegetarian.
Circles and Groups
Mary, Martha, Esther Circle meets on the last Wednesday
of the month.
Joy Circle meets the third Tuesday of the month, 3-5 pm in
members' homes. Check with Kerren Brown for more
Sew and Sews meet every Tuesday in the McMillen Room
at 10 until 1. Bring a sandwich if you want to stay for
lunch. We encourage those interested in quilting,
crocheting, knitting and just plain visiting and sharing.
Book Club will meet the 3rd Friday, in the Library at 10:30
AM. Contact Judy Leonard for a book if interested.
Two Memorial Services will be held in February:
Bill Weitkamp on the 8th at 10 AM
Wayne Huggins on the 15th at 11 AM
-submitted by Gerry McGuire, UWF President