Our First Sunday of
Advent with lunch
and craft workshop
was a lot of fun!
Those attending had
a good time and
look forward to
next year.
The Christmas
Variety Show truly
was memorable, with performances by talented people.
The plays and skits hit our funny bones--the acting was
superb, Larry amazed us with his magic tricks, Roz played
her cello splendidly, and we all loved Carolyn and Dave’s
rendition of “I Can Do Anything Better than You”. Joel
Anderson recited his very comical version of " 'Twas the
Night Before Christmas", which is printed below!
Thank you to all the actors and behind-the-scenes helpers
for presenting a great show! We all went away happy and
looking forward to the Holiday Season.
As we begin the New Year of 2025, on January 25, 11:00
AM we will take eld trip to visit the Piedras Blancas
elephant seals and possible lunch in Cambria. Carpool
from the church leaving at 10:00 AM.
Look for a new schedule in February for more activities,
including a trip to Uora, a nearby ower-growing
---submitted by Gerry McGuire, Fellowship chair
at the First United Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande
By Joel Anderson, with apologies to Clement Clark Moore
'Twas the night before Christmas & all through the Church
Not a creature was stirring, though I didn’t really search.
The garlands were hung in the chancel with care
In hopes that a big Christmas crowd would soon be there.
The choir was nestled all snug in their pews
Ready to sing hymns, that Julie did choose .
With Brad at the organ and Mary in her stole
Christmas Eve service was ready to roll.
When out in the Narthex there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my seat to see what was the matter.
Away to the doors I ew like a ash
Trying to avoid creating a crash.
There in the Narthex, so blue and so bright
Where I beheld a most wonderous sight.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But Mike and the Praise Band, plus his horses, oh dear!
The tall, talented guitarist, so lively and smart.
I knew in a moment it must be Mike Clark.
In cowboy hat and boots, so boldly he strode
As he leapt from the horse on which he had rode.
More rapid than eagles his singers they came,
He whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
Sing Connie, Sing Chloe, Sing Pam, sing loud and on key
Play Dennis, Play Bob, Play Ian, Play sweet and wonderfully!
The choir joined into the singing so bold
Praise band and the Choir, they sounded like gold.
The Bells joined into this chorus with cheer
Ringing loud and with glee so everyone could hear.
The horses were neighing & braying and stomping their feet
In time with the music. It sounded so sweet.
The music they made was really quite grand.
Musicians and horses sounded like a hundred piece band.
And much to the Trustees utter delight
There was nary a horse pie, anywhere in sight.
But Rev. Mary was bothered and uptight
With horses in the Narthex on Christmas Eve Night.
So Mike sprang to his steed, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all rode like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he rode out of sight,
Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!