Arroyo Grande United Methodist Children's Center February 2025
Children’s Center Chronicle
Message from Ms. Maddy
Friendship and Love are the foundations of building solid relationships.
This month, we will share the importance of friendship and how to show
friendship to one another. It is through acts of love that friendships are
fostered. By our actions and words, we hope you see how the staff of
AGUMCC demonstrates love for you, your child, and your family. We feel
blessed that you have entrusted your greatest gift to us. We sincerely
desire to foster a growing relationship to benefit your child during this
precious learning and development time.
March is Enrollment time for our 2025-2026 session, which begins July 1, 2025. This a
the time to think about next years enrollment and if you are wanting to expand your
child care days and hours. Later this month you will find registration information be in
your childs family folder. To secure your childs spot with AGUMCC, registration of and
payment of $150 per child is due by March 14th. See me for an additional Registration
Formif you have a second child on our Waiting List.You can also enroll him or her at
this time. I will contact families on our Waiting Liststarting April 1, 2025.
A Tuition Increase will take effect on July 1, 2025. It will be an annual increase to
provide a cost-of-living increase for our staff.
It is always good to plan when looking for a quality program. We pride ourselves on
having an educated staff who love and are committed to working with children. We also
work hard to create quality interactive environments in the classroom and outside by us-
ing evaluative and assessment tools: the Environmental Rating Scale, Desired Results,
and Ages and Stages. Thank you to our staff, families, church, and board members
for all your time and dedication to making this a great program.
Dates to Remember
Friday, February 7 Staff Devel-
opment and School Spirit Day. Wear
your school T-shirt to show your school
spirit. School will be CLOSED at 3:30
pm on this day.
Monday, February 17- PRESI-
DENTS DAY. School will be closed.
In the Narthex Wed. Feb. 5 and Thurs. Feb 6 at 9:05 am
This month the story is “Jesus Loves the Lit-
tle Children”, from the Beginning Bible,
Matthew 19:13-15. Our “Fruit of the Spirit”
teaching is “Love”.
Bible Verse: “As I have loved you, so you
must love one another.” John 13:34
Friends of the
Childrens Center Sponsor
Do you know someone who would like to be
our next months
Friends of the Childrens
Center Sponsor?
Please contact Ms. Maddy 805-481-2223
Ms. Swati Pre-K Class
In January, the TK class theme was Winter. Chil-
dren enjoyed the block area and worked coopera-
tively to create a home for the artic animals. See-
ing them work together and use their imagination
to get creative when building and using all the
blocks available in the area has been amazing. They
have been busy building train tracks and using a
variety of creative ideas to build long tracks. We
have also learned about animals that live in the
Arctic and how they can survive in frigid weather
as we watched videos about it. For art, children
made their own unique Snowy Owls, which went
along with our letter of the week, O.They also
made penguins by using black and orange paint and
learned about the method of line of symmetry to
create a them. Children learned that each snow-
flake is unique, just like them. We learned various
fun facts about owls, penguins, and quail.
For February, we will dive into Spring Conferences.
We will start practicing spelling and writing their
first names. Children will have an opportunity to
mail letters to friends and family from the dra-
matic area. Our bible story's focus will be Love,
and the story will be Jesus Loves the Little Chil-
drenMatthew 19:13-15. Since it's the month of
friendship and love, we will talk about our love and
friendship towards others and Jesus' love toward
all of us. In addition, we will focus on
the heart shape and continue with our
Zoo Phonics letters R, S, and T. We are
excited to celebrate Valentine's/
Friendship Day in our own unique way,
spreading love through kind acts and showering love
to others. With all love and blessings ~ Ms. Swati
Ms. Liz Preschool Class
Happy February! Can you believe January is over
and gone? Last month, our preschool class enjoyed
celebrating the winter and bringing in the New
Year. We talked about winter and where it snowed
in California. We also used the Arctic mammals and
placed them on ice blocks. The children had a lot
of fun! We also talked about what the weather
felt like outside. We asked each student if it felt
cold or hot.
This month, we celebrate Love and Friendship.
We will talk in class about how we can show that
same love and friendship for each other and our
families. We will discuss what we can do to love and
protect our environment. We will also explore how
Valentines Day is a day to celebrate love and
friendship. We are working on recognizing letters
in each childs name through several projects, such
as stomping and clapping out the letters in individu-
al names.
Last month, we learned about the colors black
and white. During February, for art we will work on
various fun heart projects. This month, we will
begin working with your children on springtime as-
sessments, where we will document all their amaz-
ing skills. I want to start planning conferences to
meet with families in March. I will contact you indi-
vidually to make these arrangements. These can be
done in person or via FaceTime. I would also like
the children to share a toy that would be appropri-
ate for our classroom but will only be used during
group time and then put away for the rest of the
day. If your child would like to share a toy, please
bring them in on Tuesday or Thursday.
Thanks to all the families for their help and
support. You are truly appreciated and loved.
~ Liz Delory
Ms. Sibyl and Ms. Cindy Bos Toddler
Welcome, Toddlers, to February 2025.
The children had so much fun in the classroom talk-
ing about wintertime in January. They showed great
enthusiasm as they learned about snow, arctic ani-
mals, and making individual snowmen for art. We
also introduced the class to the concept of cold and
hot and helped them identify what kind of animals
live in the snow. We taught them this by making
homemade snow in the sensory tub so they could
feel the texture and temperature of real snow.
They also showed daily excitement in learning the
concept of winter by having group time activities
and verbalizing the name of the article animals
while playing with them on blocks of ice in the wa-
ter table for free choice playtime. Please dont be
surprised if you hear them talking about whales,
seals, and polar bears in the snow and the Arctic
This month, your child would love you to join us in
the McMillian Room at 9:00 am on February 12th
as we will have our Friendship Celebration. This is
a special day f were we can enjoy special friendship
activities and share a breakfast together. Please
find the Sign Up Sheetfor the celebration to join
us and to bring something to share.
Also this month we will be learning about the shape
of a heart, and our Fruit of Spirit, Love, Yay…..its
going to be great! Please remember that school is
closed on February 17th for Presidents Day! Have
a wonderful month. We look forward to seeing each
of you everyday. ~ Ms. Sibyl
* Gallon Jugs of Water, *Bird Seed, & *Bubbles
We greatly appreciate the support we get from
those who take home the laundry to be cleaned.