Ms. Swati’s TK Class
December was a whirlwind! Thank you to Ms.
Ladonna, Ms. Shirley, and Ms. Mary for covering for me
while I was gone to India to be with my family. We hope
that everyone had a blessed Christmas with friends and
family! We also hope your time off with your children
was filled with laughter and love. I am really honored to
be your child’s teacher and appreciate your generosity
and support of our program and class. During this
month, children created many Christmas-themed art
activities to go with this special holiday we all enjoy.
The children made a very special gift to give to their
families. In addition, we talked about why we celebrate
Christmas. It is when Jesus was born. Children colored
and created a “Jesus is Born” book to go along with our
bible story. The children decorated shiny stars with
foil and trees and ornaments with colored sequences.
They also painted a stocking and then added cotton
balls and jewels.
Thank you to all who came to the Christmas
Program and helped out for the social. The children had
waited for that special event to come and were excited
to have their families see them up on stage and hear
their beautiful voices.
As we look forward to a New Year in 2025, I will be
observing the children to uncover the many interests
they have so that we can continue to incorporate them
into our curriculum, along with our Kindergarten readi-
ness curriculum. We will include learning to count by
tens. Practice placing a star symbol on the class birth-
day calendar so the children can see how many months
are left in TK to prepare them for starting Kindergar-
ten. Also, this is a good time to reach out to your child’s
upcoming school to find out when they will conduct their
Kindergarten Round-Up. They usually take place in the
spring (Mar, Apr, or May) and will allow your child to
see their potential new school and teacher.
For January, we are moving forward with our Zoo
Phonics, introducing Pp and Qq. We look forward to
your child sharing pictures for these letters in the
weeks ahead. Our moral teaching for the month is Joy,
so we will also discuss what brings us joy, such as our
families and friends. Happy New Year! ~ Ms. Swati
Ms. Liz’s Preschool Class
Happy New Year! We welcome 2025 and can’t wait to
start this new year off. I was sad to miss the Christ-
mas Program, and wanted to thank Ms. Shirley for cov-
ering for me while my husband and I went to watch our
son graduate from the Air Force Academy in San Anto-
nio. Texas.
This month, we begin our focus on winter weather
and the changing of the seasons. Although we don’t
have snow in Arroyo Grande, we will discuss winter
weather in our area, where we get rain and high tides.
We have pictures posted on the wall as a visual aid.
Children are enjoying racking the leaves in the back-
yard. Through books and videos, we will learn about
winter plants, animals, and new concepts like Hiberna-
To start the new year, we will begin a new routine in
the class. Before snack and lunch, their names will be
placed in front of a chair, and the child will be asked to
find their names and say the letters in their name. We
will practice tracing their name as one of the classroom
activities. This will help enforce the skills of identifying
their name and learning to trace. Children enjoy build-
ing with the blocks and hiding the small animals within
the blocks. They also enjoyed weighing different items
on the scale to see which side was heavier. We will
work on some fun art projects like the name Snowman
and making snowflakes.
As we have started a New Year, please restock ex-
tra clothes in your child’s cubby since they may have
outgrown them. In addition, please make sure to contin-
ue sending your child wearing layers as we are still in
our cold months.
Thank you to all of our cherished Preschool Families as
we look forward to another amazing year.
~ With best regards, Liz Delory
Ms. Sibyl & Ms. Cindy Bo’s Toddlers
Happy New Year to you all! It is always nice to see the
children and families following our Christmas break and
to start up our familiar routines once again. Routines
and consistency are so important for all of us, especial-
ly for young children. They help to provide the sense of
security we need in the ever-changing world we live in.
Thanks to all of you who could attend the Annual
Christmas Program and Social. It was such a joyful time
of celebration. The children were so adorable and did
such a wonderful job. We continued to sing “Jingle
Bells” throughout the month and had lots of singing and
dancing in the classroom as we ended the year. The tod-
dlers joyfully danced, with their scarves, to Christmas
music, including “Happy Birthday Jesus” and “How on
Earth Can God’s Baby Sleep.” They also enjoyed dancing
with their teddy bears, following the song instructions
to “Dance with your Teddy Bear.” There were many oth-
er holiday activities that captured their interests, in-
cluding decorating our tiny classroom tree with candy
canes and a tree branch in the Courtyard with bead
necklaces, using gift boxes and bags in their explora-
tions of other materials in the classroom and in their
sensory tubs; and revisited the story of Jesus’ birth as
they played with the nativity set and the nativity flan-
nel board pieces.
The children have already noticed changes in the
weather, and we look forward to fostering their curios-
ity as we explore some of these changes together. We
will also involve the children in more group participation
activities as they show more interest in interactions
with each other.
Thank you for showering us with Christmas gifts and
blessings. We feel so appreciated.
May each of you be filled with peace and joy as you
journey through this new year.
With love and blessings, Cindy Bo