United Women in Faith seeks to connect and
nurture women through Christian spiritual
formation, leadership development, creative
fellowship, and education so that they can inspire,
inuence and impact local and global communities.
October, 2024
We are continuing with the Craft Workshops on
Thursdays from 10 – 12, in the McMillen Room. We
need your help to get us ready for the Holiday
Boutique, November 1, 2, & 3. Come help us!
Come get a kit to take and work on at home.
A celebration of the 140th anniversary of our church in
the community is coming up soon! We will gather on
Sunday October 20, at 4pm in the Tabernacle at Camp
Arroyo Grande. John Wesley will be in attendance and
we will enjoy a
light meal, with
singing and
stories of the
church’s history
and displays of
artifacts and photos. We hope you will come and
participate and volunteer if you are called to help out.
You can also come in period dress.
Mark your calendar.
The Holiday Boutique is fast approaching, on Friday
Nov. 1st, Saturday Nov. 2nd, and Sunday Nov. 3rd . Sign
up to help volunteer for set up, work during the sale,
bring your craft items and things for our vintage corner.
Speaking of the vintage corner, we need nearly new, in
good shape, saleable items you no longer need. It's
time to clear out those cupboards and closets! The
boutique also can use especially
plants, succulents, and holiday baked
goods. Talk to Mary Throndson or
Gerry McGuire or sign-up at the UWF
table in Criswell Hall.
Help us make this the best Boutique yet!
All women are invited to attend.
Mary, Martha Esther Circle meets the last Wednesday
of each month, at 10 am in the McMillen Room.
We will be nishing up the book. Come join us, we’d
love to have you! Contact Mary Throndson.
Joy Circle meetings are the third Tuesday of the month,
3-5 pm and meeting in members' homes.
Book Club will meet 3rd Friday, in the Library at 10:30.
Contact Judy Leonard for a book.
Sew And Sews meet every Tuesday in the McMillen
Room 10 until 1. Bring a sandwich if you want to stay
for lunch. We encourage all interested in quilting,
crocheting, knitting and just plain visiting and sharing
to attend.
~submitted by Gerry McGuire, UWF President
140 years
In the magical book Once Upon a Wardrobe, author
Patti Callahan uncovers the inspirations for the classic
book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by
C.S. Lewis. The main character, Megs Devonshire, is
determined to answer her little brother George’s
question: Where did Narnia come from? Megs prefers
the worlds of physics and mathematics but learns to
appreciate the magic of powerful stories.
So she meets with C.S. Lewis and his brother,
Jack, to get the answer. Instead, she returns to
George with more stories than answers.
Although he is dying, George is able to
help Megs and all of us with the gifts of
hope and discovery.
Come join us for a lively discussion of
Once Upon a Wardrobe on Friday, October 18th, at
10:30 A.M. in the church library. See Mary Whitson if
you would like to borrow a copy of the book.
~submitted by Judy Leonard