Mission Team visits the
5 Cities Homeless Coalition (5CHC)
We all know there are homeless individuals living in San Luis
Obispo County - in fact this year’s Point-In-Time Count just
released records to show that 1171 people are experiencing
homelessness throughout San Luis Obispo County. The good
news is that there has been an increase of “sheltered”
homeless, individuals who have a roof over their heads
through a congregate or non-congregate shelter. Seven
members of our Mission Team, spouses and guests recently
toured the 5 Cities Homeless Coalition Cabins for Change,
located at 16th and Longbranch in Grover Beach. Janna
Nichols, the Executive Director, led the tour.
The 5CHC began in 2009 as an all-volunteer organization. By
2012 they had paid sta. For the rst 10 years, their focus
was all about housing. During Covid, they found 10 spots at a
campground in the Coastal Dunes RV Park for homeless.
They were able to house 8 clients in the rst 2 months! That
was an “Ah ha” moment for the organization! So, they
began to focus on providing housing and found shelters, like
were used in Hurricane Katrina’s model plan, which are now
used up and down the coast. Those cabins cost about
$15,000 each. With support from the Board of Supervisors,
the County, Grover Beach City Council, Congressman
Carbajal, and many grants, their 20 Cabins for change opened
December 2022. Since that time, there have been 85
participants and 70 are now in permanent housing, with 20
currently in cabins!
When the clients rst come in, she said they are anxious and
just want to sleep and feel secure. They receive a free cell
phone and a case management worker, who determines how
they became homeless and whether they want to have a
home. The client needs to come up with a plan to get out of
homelessness, otherwise they have to leave after 90 days
if they are not trying. Clients who are committed can stay
and they receive lots of support, but have to transition out
within 6-9 months. They have a 90% retention rate once
their clients are in a home of their own!
Over the years, they have had to grow sta in order to
handle all their programs, which now totals 43 employees!
Clients at the Cabins for Change receive a continental
breakfast and full hot dinner from a restaurant in the social
hall. Lunch is on their own and many use the People’s
Kitchen which is nearby. The program is very successful but
costly and needs nancial support!
We were lucky enough to also be able to tour their newest
site o 4th St. on Barca. It is a similar site with 30 cabins,
donated by the Balay Ko Foundation, a Filipino organization
in southern California. In addition, Finns Restaurant has
donated 1/2 million dollars so far and hosted a large
fundraiser recently in May. You can request to receive their
monthly newsletter at At their website you
can nd a list of their needs.
~ submitted by Priscilla Alquist, Mission Team Chair
Five Cities Christian Women Food Pantry Fundraiser
Brooks Burgers in Pismo Beach will donate 15% of receipts
from food purchases made on Tuesday, June 18th, from 4-7
P.M. to the Food Pantry when you mention supporting the
Five Cities Christian Women Food Pantry. You can order
either take-out or eat at Brooks Burgers located at 220 5 Cities
Drive, Pismo Beach. Not going to be in town then? Visit the
pantry website,, for
more information about their mission and donation