First United Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande
275 N. Halcyon Road, Arroyo Grande 93420
(805) 481-2692
First United Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande
275 N. Halcyon Road, Arroyo Grande 93420
(805) 481-2692
First United Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande
  
Sabbath is that uncluttered time and space
in which we can distance ourselves from our own activities
enough to see what God is doing.
---Eugene Peterson
    
 O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus Thomas Williams/arr. Joel Raney
  
for all are welcome in Gods grace.
for all are welcome in Gods love
 Open My Eyes 
Merciful One,
during the trials of life, you reach out
and restore us to health and wholeness;
you offer us the gifts of the Sabbath
to keep us rooted in your mercy and compassion.
Bless us today, O God,
with courage for dark times
and the light of your never-failing grace.
  
Mon Jun 3 6:00 PM Gerry's Quilt Class -Criswell Hall.
Tue Jun 4
9:00 AM Senior Exercise-CH, 10:00 AM Sew n Sews-MMR,
11:00 AM Chair Yoga -CH, 1:00 PM Bible Study-CH, 5:00 PM Bell
Choir Rehearsal-HR.
Wed Jun 5
9:00 AM Senior Exercise-CH, 9:00 AM Church Work Morning-CH,
10:00 AM Fellowship Ministry-L, 6:30 PM Worship Committee-PS
Thu Jun 6 9:00 AM Senior Exercise-CH, 5:00 PM Bell Choir Rehearsal-HR.
Sun Jun 9
8:30 AM Contemporary Worship Service-Sanctuary.
10:30 AM Traditional Worship Service-Sanctuary.
Sun June16 11:30-1:00 PM
Come Enjoy
the United Methodist Men's
Father's Day Tri-Tip Bar-B-Q!
Adults $15, Children under 12 $5
Tickets available in Criswell Hall
after services. Eat In or Take To Go.
Sat Jun 22 10:00 AM Home and Garden Tour.
We have an invitation to visit the home and
inspirational garden of member Scott Trees--also
antiques to see! Sign up at Connections.
Tue Jun 25 1:00 PM Marjorie Ott is
presenting in her home a "Lemon Scones &
Flourless Chocolate Cookies" baking class.
Limit 8 people. The cost is $15; please sign
up at the Connections desk.
Wear your beachy clothes!
Sun Jun 30 4:00 PM Free Movie,
"The Holdovers" along with popcorn and
refreshments. Criswell Hall.
Sat Jul 13 5:00 - 7:00 PM UWF Bingo ,Pizza, and Ice
Cream Sundaes! Save the date and watch for more
Today's altar flowers are
In Memory of Bob McGuire,
my husband of 60 years.
With love, Gerry McGuire
 Sanctuary 
 Sanctuary
 
 (remain seated) Take Time to Be Holy verses 1-3) 
 --
 A Time for Us 
 
Breathe on Me Robert Jackson/arr. Mark Hayes 
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the Source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
 I Have Decided to Follow Jesus 
 Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name
upholding us when we are weak,
and renewing us when we are weary.
May You Run and Not Be Weary  
Land of the Free Stephen Otis
*Please stand as able.
Music Director: Julia Burns Praise Leader: Mike Clark Piano: Dennis Eiler Organ: Brad Bettencourt
Next Sunday,
June 9
Today's Scripture
Today's Liturgist: Barbara Reineke
05/05 41 34 75 57 132 $12,645
05/12 31 59 90 25 115 $ 2,043
05/19 32 64 96 24 120 $2,588
05/26 29 48 77 5 82 $2,539
Our Fiscal Year started July 1 Weekly Oering Needed $6,038
STEWARDSHIP REPORT: YTD Received $292,491 Budgeted $274,741
Peace with Jusce $235
Deuteronomy 5:12-15
  
  
 
  
  
2 Corinthians 4:5-12
 
 
 