Children’s Center Chronicle
for their childs early childhood education and
care. Thank you to the staff for their dedication to our program and daily love for the children. I
greatly appreciate all the continued support from the First United Methodist Church members to help
keep our outstanding school open for our 19th year! We opened on July 21, 2005, as a Christian minis-
try to serve the community. We are grateful we are still going strong. The Lord has truly blessed this
Childrens Center. We are incredibly thankful for all the families who have trusted us with their childs
care and education.
we are excited about the
new school year ahead. We want to express our gratitude to our school families who have
shared with others how happy they are with the quality of care and the low child-to-teacher
ratio we offer. Your satisfaction is a testament to our program's positive impact on the chil-
dren, and we are proud to be a part of their growth and development.
All the families received an Ages and
Stages Questionnaire to complete. We hope that the families enjoyed doing the activities with their
children. The information you provide will be used as a part of the overall assessment that the teach-
ers will share with you during Parent/Teacher Conference.
Join AGUMCC and First United Methodist
Church and sign up to participate. Everyone must be at the staging area at 9:00 am on West Branch
St., just past Old Ranch Rd., to be in the parade. Children must be with their parents to participate in
the parade. Children can ride their trikes, bikes, or scooters. Please remember to bring a hat, water,
and snacks. Show your school spirit by wearing your AGUMCC t-shirt.
-Order by September 7th to ensure you have one in
time for the parade. Childrens T-shirts are $10, and Adults' T-shirts are $20.
The Childrens Beginning Bible Story is —Exodus 20.
This story is about Moses going to the mountain to get
the 10 Commandments from God.
Our moral teaching is: 
Let's show respect to one another. Respect is the corner-
stone of our school community. It's not just about following
rules or using manners. It's about valuing each other's opin-
ions and being open to different perspectives. Let's continue
to foster a culture of respect where everyone feels heard
and appreciated.
Friends of the Childrens Center Sponsor:
Do you know someone who would
like to be our next months
Please contact Ms. Maddy
Dates to Remember:
Labor DaySchool is
Spirit & Staff Meet-
ing Day. School Clos-
es at 3:30
Arroyo Grande Annual
Harvest Parade
August was a very busy month with many of the older
children transitioned to different schools. I want to
welcome new children and families to our classroom
and program. We worked on the letters Aa for Allie
Alligator, Bb for Bubba Bear, and Cc for Catina Cat.
In addition, children are working hard on their con-
ference packet tracing, cutting, and recognizing let-
ters and numbers. We also wrote down the ways to be
trustworthy on the small leaf. Children have been
collecting different leaves as they fall from our big
tree in the backyard and observing under the magni-
fying glass to see how they are different yet the
same. Children seem to enjoy building ramps and
structures with blocks and Legos. Children enjoyed
answering questions and sharing their pictures of the
week's letter. One of our shared items was a picture
of birds for the letter Bb.
In September, we will introduce the letters Dd, Ee,
and Ff. We will finish up our packets and get ready
for parent-teacher conferences. Children will explore
the differences and similarities between squares and
rectangles, mixing primary colors to make secondary
colors. We will discuss ways to be respectful after
we hear the Bible story about Moses and the Ten
Commandments. I look forward to meeting with all of
you during conference time. Be on the lookout for the
conference signup sheet to schedule an appointment.
I would love some support to help with doing laundry,
making Play-Doh, and cutting out any art project.
Please connect me if you can help. ~ Thanks Swati
Happy September to all of our preschool families!
It has been an exciting start to the new school year,
and time is flying by! We have become accustomed to
our new class schedule as some older siblings return
to school. Thank you, especially to our parents, for
helping your children develop an encouraging and
meaningful drop-off routine. As they have become
more comfortable at school, we have seen our friends
have fewer tears and difficulties saying goodbye. We
also greatly appreciate everyone's punctuality when
arriving. It sets up a very successful day for your
The children are beginning to explore the environ-
ment and centers, showing increased interest in our
dramatic play area environment. They have been
working hard on taking turns and asking each other to
play. This month, we will also focus on your childs Fall
assessments and conferences. I look forward to meet-
ing with you and discussing their many successes.
In addition, there are ways you can help your child
have the most successful and engaging day possible at
school. Such as have your child wear closed-toe shoes
that are easy to run in. Your helping them to put on
their own socks and shoes. With warm weather, it is
helpful to send your child with a full water bottle every
day. If they finish all their water, we are glad to refill
it for them.
Breakfast is an integral part of a successful day, we
recommend everyone wake up early and enjoy this time
together as a family. This month, we will begin discuss-
ing nutrition and the different food groups. We encour-
age this dialogue at home. The children love talking
about food, and we have found many ways to connect at
lunchtime. They enjoy making their own choices and
feeling accomplished in opening their own containers and
packages. Thank you to our preschool families for their
support and trust in us with your children.
Sincerely, ~ Elizabeth Delory
We extend a warm welcome to our newest toddlers
and their families. Welcome Bodhi Brooks, Eagan
Jameson, Izabella Morris, and Lillian Moser!
Its already September. I will miss out on all the
growth and learning that will take place the first two
weeks because I will be gone to enjoy a long-planned
trip to Croatia. No Worries, Ms. Shirley will be cover-
ing for me and my primaries are in good hands. I
know it will be a fun-filled month, and I look forward
to seeing you all when I return.
During August, the toddlers were excited to learn
about different forms of transportation, especially
school buses. We sang The Wheels on the Busa lot,
and the children also had the opportunity to paint a
school bus, paint with school buses (and other play
vehicles), and wash school buses. They continued to
show interest in using the squirt bottles to water our
strawberries and to pop bubbles. Many of the tod-
dlers explore their interactions with others and en-
gage in a lot of group-play activities. There is a lot of
curiosity about their emotions and their similarities
and differences with others, too.
This month, we plan to explore many ways to use ap-
ples. We will also engage in activities that explore
different emotions and our similarities and differ-
ences with one another.
This is our month for Parent-Teacher Conferences,
and Miss Sibyl and I look forward to that special
time of meeting with you to discuss your childs
strengths and the areas of development we are work-
ing on with them. Please make sure to look for the
conference sign-ups in the classroom. We consider
our time with your children a true blessing,
~ Cindy Bo
Thank you to the FUMC Congregation
for their generous support of the
Childrens Center.
Thank you, Ms. Maddy